The Tale of Felaenya: Part 9 – The Labor Camp

Felaenya struggled as she pulled the wagon along with her other family members. She was so exhausted and so sore that she was afraid she would collapse. And she was terrified of the whipping she would receive if she or any of the others did. Another week had passed. Every day was the same routine, the same since their journey began after they were captured. They pulled the wagon all day, the goblins chose on ore more of the female elves to ravage during any breaks, and then they would get a few hours to rest at night. It was still the early afternoon and Felaenya knew she still had a long day ahead of her. Her ass and back stung fiercely from the goblins’ whips. The air around her stunk of sweat and sex. The elves had not been permitted to bathe since they began their journey. All of them smelled ripe from the unwashed sweat that coated their bodies from exerting themselves every day. And the elf maidens all stunk of sex. In the mornings and evenings, the flies swarmed their bodies, adding itching and stinging bites all over their flesh. But in the heat of the afternoon, the bugs usually disappeared. Felaenya did not know which was worse: the swarms of insects in the mornings or evenings or having to pull the wagon in the stifling heat of the afternoon.

“Pick up your pace, lazy slaves!” Hadguk growled behind them from the wagon. There was loud crack as a whip struck flesh and then a grunt of pain from Aquilan. Then another crack and a cry from Enyssia. Felaenya braced herself to be whipped but Hadguk did not send the whip flying a third time. Two was all it took to get the elves to push past their exhaustion and soreness and pick up their pace.

As they continued to pull the wagon, Felaenya heard the stamping of hooves. An orc on horseback approached from ahead.

“Any trouble ahead?” Hadguk asked as the orc approached.

The orc shook his head. “Nope. Letting you know there is a labor camp about a mile east.”

“A good place for a little rest,” Hadguk said. “The slaves here need to recover a little. If I accidentally kill any of them before I deliver them to the war chieftain, Rimek will be pissed.”

When she heard this, Felaenya felt relieved. They would seemingly get to stop pulling the wagon early today and get some much-needed rest and recovery. But she also dreaded seeing a labor camp. Before the orcs invaded their own kingdom, Felaenya and Aquilan had received reports of the horrors of the labor camps the orcs had set up in Argothrond. It seemed elf maidens in her own kingdom were now being subjected to the same horror.

Eager to get to the camp, Hadguk began whipping the slaves again to force them to pull the wagon harder. None of the elves were spared as he sent the whip flying, slashing into their exposed flesh. The elves pulled the wagon for another mile before they reached the camp. Felaenya guessed the area had once been a mine operated by the elves. Now their orcs controlled it and their slaves were forced to work. All around them in a large quarry, orcs were whipping naked elf maidens who were breaking down rocks with pickaxes and hammers.

It was a ghastly sight. There were elf maidens of all ages, young and old. As they drew closer, Felaenya could see the terrible condition they were in. They all were very skinny, Felaenya assumed from being overworked and underfed. Their backs, breasts, and buttocks were striped with ugly red and purple whip marks. She could tell they were exhausted. Just as exhausted as she knew she and her family were at the end of each day, perhaps even more so. The slaves were working at a frantic pace, hacking at a rock wall with their pickaxes and hammers. Orc overseers paced up and down the line of slaves, whipping any that slowed.

Felaenya watched as a young elf maiden stumbled and fell. She appeared to be one of the youngest elf maidens in the camp, a teenager, having barely reachrd adulthood. An orc hurried over and began viciously slashing at her with his whip. The elf maiden barely reacted as the whip sliced into her flesh. She was too weakened to even thrash around from the pain of the whip. The orc shouted, “Drag this lazy slut back to the barracks.” A couple other elf maiden slaves hurried over. They looked down at the barely conscious young elf. “Please Master, she just needs some time to recover,” one of the elf maidens said.

“Drag her back to the barracks or you will end up like her!” the orc growled angrily. Felaenya saw the terror in the two maidens’ eyes when the orc issued his threat. They were clearly scared to face whatever fate would soon befall the young slave. The two slaves each grabbed an arm of the young elf maiden on the ground and began to drag her away. Felaenya did not want to think about what her fate might be.

As the elf maiden was dragged away, the orc saw the wagon approaching. “More slaves for us?” he called out to Hadguk and Zrollalk on the wagon.

Hadguk hopped off the wagon and approached he orc. “Nope,” he replied. “These elves are a special delivery to Grimnor. They are the royal family of Kahshara.”

The orc laughed and turned to the line of slaves hard at work. “Hey slaves, look at your former king and queen. They are beasts of burden now, just like you.”

The two nearest slaves, who were swinging pickaxes into rock, paused their labor and they turned and looked at the royal family hitched to the wagon. Felaenya could see how exhausted they looked. How broken their dirt and sweat-covered bodies appeared. She could see the defeated, dead-eyed expressions on their faces. They slaves barely reacted as they looked over at the royal family. Felaenya could see they were too broken and hopeless to be too concerned about the fate had befallen their king and queen. Their own fate was clearly much, much worse.

Felaenya knew that many if not most elf maidens in her kingdom would suffer a similar fate as these elf maidens. She remembered, soon after their capture, that Rimek had told Aquilan that his would be the fate of most of the elf maidens in their kingdom. She dreaded the thought as she saw the condition of these slaves.

It took all of Felaenya’s strength not to start crying. “Alright, back to work, sluts,” the orc growled. He turned and slashed his whip against the back of the one the slaves. She cried out in pain and started swinging her pickaxe at the rock again. The others immediately followed suit.

Hadguk chuckled as he watched the exhausted elf maidens swinging their pickaxes into the rock wall. He turned back to the orc. “We are going to spend the night here, before we continue on to Argothrond.”

“Head a little further east though the quarry and we have barracks set up where we stay and we keep the slaves at night. There is a fuck pit next to the barracks if you are sick of fucking those three cunts and want some new elf cunt to fuck.”

Hadguk nodded and climbed back onto the wagon. He swung his whip and Felaenya felt an explosion of searing pain across her lower back. She cried out in agony and she and the others started forward, pulling the wagon, through the quarry and towards the barracks. She tried to stare ahead so she did not have to see the elf maidens being forced to work at a brutal pace all around her in the quarry. She wondered how long they would survive here. It made her appreciate more that there were fates much worse than her own.

They walked less than half a mile before they reached a large building. Felaenya did not know what the building had been before the orcs arrived but now it was apparently being used by the orcs as barracks. Hadguk had Felaenya and her family pulled the wagon over to the side of the building and then Hadguk and Zrollalk untied them from the wagon hitch. Normally, immediately after they were unhitched, the goblins would select one or two of the elf maidens to fuck. But instead, the goblins coffled the five slaves together, using rope around their necks to tie them in a line. The goblins ordered them to walk, and they started walking around the outside of the barracks to the other side.

They could see orcs gathered on the other side of the building. The crowd of orcs had drawn Hadguk’s and Zrollalk’s curiosity. Felaenya looked to see what had caught the goblins’ attention. She saw another coffle of slaves lined up in front of the orcs. It was a large number of elf maidens, perhaps a couple hundred. As they drew closer, Felaenya could see that most of them were young and all of them were quite pretty. All of them had iron collars around their throats and fresh brands on their thighs. Felaenya shuddered when she saw the brands, knowing it was almost certain that she too would eventually be branded.

As they drew even closer, she realized the captives were standing beside a large pit dug into the ground. And when they reached the edge of the pit, Felaenya was horrified by what she saw inside it. The pit was large, perhaps 50 feet in diameter and over 20 feet deep. At the bottom were a few dozen elf maidens and many more orcs, all violently ravaging the elf maidens. It was a ghastly scene. The elf maidens were caked in dirt. Most were covered in bruises and cuts. They all looked skinny and very weak. From their condition, it appeared they had been in the pit a long time. All of the elf maidens were being ravaged by at least one orc and most were being ravaged by more than one orc at the same time. Most of the elf maidens appeared to be barely conscious as orcs thrust into their bodies. Many had open eyes, but their eyes were glazed over and they barely reacted or moved as their bodies were used, in a state of shock. Others had their eyes closed and Felaenya wondered if they were even conscious.

Felaenya looked up from the pit, unable to watch the horror unfolding below. She wondered which would be a worse fate. Forced to work in the quarry or forced into that pit. “Who are the captives?” Zrollalk asked an orc, and Felaenya turned back to the line of captives. A pair of orcs were standing on one end, inspecting a young blond elf maiden. “These are the prettiest captives from a town we sacked, Orentheas,” one of the orcs said as he started roughly groping the blonde’s breasts as she squirmed and cried softly. Felaenya knew the name Orentheas well. Orentheas was a town in Kahshara. Or had been until it had been sacked by the orcs. “Most of the captives from that town are being sent to a labor camp,” the orc continued. “But we are separated out some of the young pretty elf cunts and are deciding which of these sluts to toss in the fuck pit. And some of the prettiest ones are going to be bred. We kept a few male elves from Orentheas to inseminate the new broodmares before we send them off to Aegor. After we select the few prettiest ones from this lot for the fuck pit or to breed, the rest will be sent off to work in the labor camp.” The orc spun the blonde elf maiden around and began squeezing her ass cheeks. The other orc beside her pointed to a small handful of eld maidens that were huddled together and sobbing. “Those are the ones we selected to be broodmares,” he told Zrollalk. The sobbing elf maidens clearly understand how dreadful their fate was and were inconsolable.

“They are pretty indeed. They should breed us some fine new slaves,” Hadguk remarked casually. Felaenya looked at the sobbing elf maidens that had been pulled from the line and knew then that there was a fate worse than both the labor camps or this fuck pit.

One of the orcs grabbed the blonde elf maiden’s scalp and yanked her head down, forcing her to bend over. He then reached down and grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them. The other orc reached down and pushed a pair of fingers into her anus, making her cry out and squirm. We wiggled his fingers around for a few seconds before he withdrew them from her anus and then forced a pair of fingers into her pussy. “Tight cunt and ass,” he observed.

“They all have tight cunts and asses. It is why elves make such fine slaves,” the other orc replied, and Hadguk nodded in agreement. From her bent over position, the blonde elf maiden was now looking down into the fuck pit. Her eyes were wide with terror. “Please do not put me in there,” she whimpered.

The orcs ignored her. “This one has nice tits and ass,” the one orc said. “And a pretty face. Fuck pit?”

The other orc nodded. He turned and looked down in the pit. “We are tossing one in,” he called out to the orcs in the pit. Felaenya watched as a pair of orcs inside the pit hurried over to the edge. The blonde began wailing as the orc who been inspecting her grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the edge of the pit and shoved her. She fell into the pit screaming. The pair of orcs in the pit caught her. Within seconds she was forced onto her hands and knees. One orc got behind her and roughly drove his cock into her from behind. The other positioned in front of her and forced his cock into her mouth. They began thrusting into her from both ends. Felaenya could see the look of horror and dismay in her eyes as her mouth and pussy were reamed.

The pair of orcs that were inspecting the slaves moved down to the slave who was now at the front of the line, a young redhead. She looked quite young. Felaenya thought in other circumstances she might have looked quite innocent, but she had bite marks on her neck and breasts and Felaenya could see what she assumed was orc cum oozing down her thighs. Most of the captives in the line were in a similar condition.

One of the orcs reached forward and roughly squeezed her breasts. “Pretty small tits,”: he said. He reached around and grabbed her ass, roughly groping it. “Not a very curvy ass either.”

“Well, she looks young,” the other remarked. “She might grow some bigger tits and ass. And not sure she will last long in the mines.”

The first orc shrugged, clearly not caring about the health or wellbeing of the elf maiden. “Not good enough for the fuck pit. She can join the labor slaves.” The redhead was pulled from the line and dragged over to another group of elf maidens that were huddled together. They were apparently the ones that were being sent to the mines.

The orcs moved down to the next captive in line, another pretty blonde and began to examine her. She was crying as she pondered whether she would be joining the slaves in the mines or one of the slaves to be tossed int the pit to be endlessly ravaged nonstop. Or possible turned into a broodmare.

“I would like to sample some of that cunt down in the pit,” Zrollalk said to Hadguk.

Hadguk nodded in agreement. “Let’s take the royals back to the wagon and secure them. Then lets head down to the pit.”

Zrollalk and Hadguk led Felaenya and her family away. Felaenya was glad she did not have to continue watching the pretty captives from Orentheas being sorted into different horrible fates.

Soon, Felaenya and her family were back at the wagon and the orcs tied them together on the ground, using rope to leash them to one of the wheels. Except they did not tie up Enyssia. After the other elves were secured, Hadguk took Enyssia by her arm and began to drag her off. Zrollalk left too, in the direction of the fuck pit.

“Where is he taking her?” Nylalaea whimpered, clearly terrified for her younger sister. Felaenya squeezed Nylalaea’s arm, trying to comfort her. But she too wondered where Hadguk was taking Enyssia.


Thaconia was on all fours, her gaze intently on Mekmal’s erect cock as he sat on the ground beside her. Mekmal reached over and placed his hand on her ass, giving it a squeeze. He was pleased as he watched Thaconia instinctively part her thighs wider. He slid his hand down her ass and between her parted thighs and with ease pushed a pair of fingers into her cunt. She moaned as soon as he did. Mekmal observed that her cunt was nice and slick. He could feel it twitching around his fingers and he could see her hips pushing back, as the former queen tried to bury his fingers deeper into her needy cunt.

Mekmal withdrew his fingers from Thaconia’s cunt and licked his fingers, enjoying the taste of her arousal. “Suck my cock,” Mekmal sternly ordered Thaconia and without hesitation, her lowered her face to his crotch and wrapped her lips around his erect cock. Soon her head was bobbing up and down to the sound of loud sucking and slurping.

Mekmal let Thaconia work his cock for a couple minutes and then he reached around again and slid his hand once again between her parted thighs. As he pushed his fingers into her cunt, he found it was now dripping. Her cunt was absolutely drenched as he easily slid his fingers inside her. Mekmal smiled. Her conditioning was going quite well. Thaconia had grown even more aroused by just having an orc cock in her mouth.

Mekmal debated fucking Thaconia, which he knew she so desperately craved. But the slave was too skilled with her tongue and mouth. Mekmal groaned as he prematurely climaxed, his cock throbbing as it spurted cum into Thaconia’s mouth and down her throat. She eagerly swallowed it all.


“Quit your squirming,” the orc growled, as he held Enyssia, his arms wrapped around her. She was squirming and in a panic because she saw the vial of liquid that Hadguk held as he stood in front of her, and she recognized what it was. It was breeding potion. Hadguk grabbed her chin with his free hand and pried her mouth open. He dumped the vial of liquid down her throat and then pushed her mouth closed so she would be forced to swallow it. Enyssia started sobbing after she swallowed the liquid. When Hadguk released her chin, she started pleading. “Please do not breed me! I don’t want to be pregnant.”

“Shut up slave or I will whip you,” Hadguk growled. He nodded to the orc who released Enyssia from his grip and put her on the ground on her hands and knees. She was leashed and the orc grabbed her chain leash. “Crawl forward, slave,” he gruffly commanded.

Sobbing, Enyssia crawled forward. A few feet in front of her was a male elf. He was tied to a wooden frame. He was naked and covered in bruises and cuts. He was blindfolded and gagged. He had been one of the small handful of male elves from Orentheas whose lives had been spared. He and the others were being kept alive long enough to breed with the elf maidens from Orentheas selected to be broodmares. And since the orcs here had breeding potion that they had taken from Orentheas, Hadguk had decided it was time to breed Enyssia. He had been told Enyssia would likely be given to him eventually and he planned to use her as a breeding slave. She would produce new slaves and milk for his band of goblins after Hadguk delivered the royal family to Grimnor. And he figured he might as well get a baby growing in her womb as soon as possible.

Hadguk pointed to the elf’s penis. “Get him hard with your mouth, slave,” Hadguk ordered Enyssia.

Enyssia stared at the cock as she sobbed. She was desperate to avoid being bred. But she dared not refuse a command. It would get her viciously punished and then she would be bred anyway. She leaned in and took the elf’s cock into her mouth. As soon as she wrapped her lips around it and her head began to bob, the male elf started protesting into his gag and shaking his head. It seemed he was as displeased about forced mating as Enyssia was, who was still crying softly as she used her mouth and tongue to get the elf hard. Hadguk chuckled. He understood why Enyssia was distraught. But he figured this male elf should be happy. Fucking pretty elf maidens was the only thing keeping him alive, not that he could see what Enyssia looked like since he was blindfolded. Still, she had a nice, tight, warm cunt, Hadguk knew very well. The goblin thought the elf should be thankful he would get to live a few more days, spending much of it getting to climax inside hot elf maidens.

As soon as the elf was fully erect, the orc yanked Enyssia’s leash to pull her head away. They could not have him wasting seed in her mouth.

“Alright slave, turn around and get his cock into your cunt and start humping him,” Hadguk growled sternly. Enyssia looked up at him with panic in her eyes. She frantically shook her head. “Please do not make me breed with him,” she cried.

“Now!” Hadguk snarled. He reached for his belt and pulled free his whip. Enyssia’s eyes focused fearfully on the whip. Then she dropped her head in defeat. Crying, she slowly turned around so that her rear side was facing the elf and she started to shuffle backwards until she was right in front of him. She slowly reached back and took his erect cock into her hand then pulled it down so that it was nicely lined it up with her pussy. She shuffled back further so that the elf’s cock slipped inside her vagina. The male elf grunted into his gag and started shaking his head back and forth. Tears pouring down her cheeks, Enyssia began to slowly thrust her hips back so that her pussy began sliding up and down the elf’s cock.

“Faster slut; I don’t have all day and I want to sample some of the elves in that fuck pit,” Hadguk snapped. Enyssia began thrusting her hips faster. Hadguk eagerly watched as the elf’s erect cock slid in and out of her pussy, his cock now glistened with her juices. In only a couple minutes, the elf grunted softly as he climaxed, sending is seed deep into Enyssia’s now very fertile womb. Hadguk did not let Enyssia stop humping the elf until the elf’s cock had softened. He then nodded to the orc. “Thank you. Her first of many breedings.” They both looked down and chuckled at the sobbing elf maiden. The orc handed Hadguk Enyssia’s leash and Hadguk let her away back to rejoin her sister and the royal family.


It was the next morning. Felaenya was as rested as she had felt in many weeks. They had been allowed to sleep undisturbed for the entire evening and night and into the morning. Not even Enyssia’s soft crying had kept Felaenya awake for too long, though they had spent a little time trying to console her after they learned she had been dosed with breeding potion and bred with a captive male elf.  Not that there was much they could say or do to console her.  Felaenya felt terrible for the young elf maiden and could not imagine the nightmares she and her older sister were to be enslaved and either pregnant or soon to be pregnant.  It was yet another reminder for Felaenya that her enslavement could be much worse.

But after their rest, it was time to go again. Felaenya and her family were one again hitched to the wagon. With a crack of his whip, Nylalaea cried out in pain and the slaves started pulling the wagon. They moved away from the barracks and through the quarry again. The elf maiden slaves were already hard at work, being whipped to keep them going.

In the quarry, Felaenya spotted the young redhead from the coffle of pretty young captives from Orentheas. The one that had been deemed too skinny for the fuck pit and selected for hard labor. She was holding a pickaxe, covered in dirt and whip marks, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She and Felaenya made brief eye contact. Then an orc saw that the young redhead had paused her work. He pointed to the rock wall. “Back to work, lazy cunt!” he snarled.

The orc sent his whip flying in her direction and with a loud crack, it slashed into her left breast. The elf maiden howled in pain and hurried away to resume her work. When she turned around, Felaenya saw that her back and ass had been sliced up by a whip. Felaenya could also see dried cum on the back of her thighs. Felaenya wondered how long the poor elf maiden would survive in the labor camp. She pushed the thought aside. She knew there was nothing she could do to help her or any of the others in the camp. She focused on the task at hand which was pulling the wagon so that she did not get whipped herself.

(End of Part 9, to be continued...)
