Goblins Vs. Earth Girls: Earth Cunt 367 Is Starting to Find Her Inner Slut

At around the same time that Grimnor seized the portal to Elevosia from the Cult of Ug’dromon, goblin scouts found a top secret temple of the cult, whose priests had opened portals to yet another world. This was a world of humans called "Earth." The goblins imprisoned the cultists and forced them to open portals between Aegor and Earth. Eager to get access of their own supply of slaves, for which they did not have to share with the orcs, the goblins began to explore this strange new world. The goblins began sending back communiques to their goblin chief, Globtooth, with intelligence on Earth. These are their communiques.

To: Globtooth
From: Goblin Team 1
Day 332

The submissive condition of Earth Cunt 367 is improving.  We have found that as effective as using our hands to keep her aroused and ecstasy, using our tongues is even more effective.  We can turn her from timid and scared and crying to moaning and gasping and quivering, in only a few minutes.

As soon as a goblin mouth is latched to her cunt, she stops fighting and soon becomes a slutty, sweaty mess.

In fact, she likes our rough little tongues all over her flesh.

She as has stopped pleading for freedom.  She has started calling us Master, without having to be whipped to be reminded.

And she now eagerly spreads he legs to have her cunt lapped by a goblin tongue, and will even beg us to do it.  

It has only taken a couple weeks and she is already an obedient little slave.  But our offers to fully break, condition, and train her continue.

Note: These stories take place in the same setting as the main stories, but are not directly tied to them and nothing that happens in these stories will be referenced in or impact the main storyline.
