Goblins Vs. Earth Girls: Bonding for the Family

At around the same time that Grimnor seized the portal to Elevosia from the Cult of Ug’dromon, goblin scouts found a top secret temple of the cult, whose priests had opened portals to yet another world. This was a world of humans called "Earth." The goblins imprisoned the cultists and forced them to open portals between Aegor and Earth. Eager to get access of their own supply of slaves, for which they did not have to share with the orcs, the goblins began to explore this strange new world. The goblins began sending back communiques to their goblin chief, Globtooth, with intelligence on Earth. These are their communiques.

To: Globtooth
From: Goblin Team 1
Day 275

As we have started shipping more human ponygirls to Aegor, they are as popular as we anticipated, maybe even more so.  I wanted to share a heartwarming story about the goblin, Numbarma.  She was having trouble connecting with her teenage daughter, Gulnula.  But thankfully we offered a great solution.  We had opened a new portal, which ended up being right into the bedroom of a young earth cunt!  Talk about great luck!  As we were using her, her mother heard us and barged in.

So, we grabbed the mom too.  The mother daughter earth cunt combo, now named Earth Cunts 314 and 315, were trained into fine ponygirls.  Numbarma ended up buying them after they were shipped to Aegor.  Now Numbarma  and her daughter have bonded over their shared passion for riding ponygirls.  

And Gulnula has become quite the adept rider.  She rides Earth Cunt 315 hard.  Numbarma is thinking about letting her daughter enter into racing competitions.  

It is truly heartwarming to hear these stories about families bonding over their shared enjoyment of earth cunts.  And Numbarma's story is only one example.  All across Aegor, goblin families are enjoying the use of ponygirls and other earth cunts.

We will continue our collection efforts so we get more of these heartwarming stories of family bonding!

Note: These stories take place in the same setting as the main stories, but are not directly tied to them and nothing that happens in these stories will be referenced in or impact the main storyline.
