Goblins Vs. Earth Girls: Watch Out for Bear Spray!

At around the same time that Grimnor seized the portal to Elevosia from the Cult of Ug’dromon, goblin scouts found a top secret temple of the cult, whose priests had opened portals to yet another world. This was a world of humans called "Earth." The goblins imprisoned the cultists and forced them to open portals between Aegor and Earth. Eager to get access of their own supply of slaves, for which they did not have to share with the orcs, the goblins began to explore this strange new world. The goblins began sending back communiques to their goblin chief, Globtooth, with intelligence on Earth. These are their communiques.

To: Globtooth
From: Goblin Team 1
Day 150

We are continuing to hunt hikers and thought we were incredibly lucky when we found an earth cunt out hiking in a forest all alone.  We thought she would be an easy snatch.  And when we initially attacked her, she was quite in shock to see goblins, as most earth cunts are.  But before we could fully subdue her, she pulled out this cannister and sprayed a few of us in the face.  It was something called "bear spray," used to ward off these big beasts on earth called bears.  It stings the eyes and lungs pretty fiercely.  

But we are trained operatives of course, and some of us managed to wrench this cannister from her hand before she sprayed all of us.  We were pretty rough with her after that, since we were hopping mad about that spray.  Some of the goblins sprayed in the face got a little too brutal with her and dug their claws into her flesh a little too hard as they roughly pounded her.

But Earth Cunt 39 will recover and then can begin her slave training in full.  And the ordeal will make her think twice about resisting her new Masters again.  But it was a valuable lesson for us too, and we will have to be very careful about this bear spray in the future when acquiring hikers.

Note: These stories take place in the same setting as the main stories, but are not directly tied to them and nothing that happens in these stories will be referenced in or impact the main storyline.
